You are currently entering the Great Manchester Run 2016

Register for a username and password

Create an account so we can process your entry into the event and keep in touch with all the info you need. You only need one account, you can use this account to enter any future events you want to take part in. We share some of your personal information with 3rd parties in order to process your entry. See Privacy Document for more info.

Please fill in the form below to register your details with Great Run

Create an account so we can process your entry into the event and keep in touch with all the info you need.

Please fill in the form below to register your details.

Personal details

In order to create your account you need to choose either male or female at this stage. If you identify as Non Binary you will be able to tell us later on in the online entry form.

This is a temporary approach while we update our entry system and we thank you for your patience while we make the necessary changes.

Logon Credentials

Enter a question only you would know the answer to:
Enter the answer to the above question. We may ask you this when you call Customer Services.